Explore Prague's Lesser Town like never before: adventure through outdoor escape games - Hunter Games
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Explore Prague’s Lesser Town like never before: adventure through outdoor escape games

A group of young people playing an outdoor escape game in the streets of Prague.

Prague, a city steeped in history and romance, offers a magnificent mosaic of sights and stories waiting to be discovered. Beyond the well-trodden paths of the Old Town, the Lesser Town represents a quieter but no less fascinating chapter in Prague’s narrative.

This series, “Walking through Prague”, invites you on a journey of discovery that combines the thrill of adventure with the enrichment of historical research.

After our divine walk through Vyšehrad and a trek through Petřín to Nerudova Street, this latest installment goes straight to the heart of Mala Strana and reveals its hidden gems through the lens of outdoor escape games.

Lennonova zeď: Symbol svobody a odporu

The Lennon Wall in Prague is a fascinating symbol of political resistance and personal freedom. This extraordinary monument, located near Velkopřevorské náměstí, has become a place where people from all over the world have left messages of peace, love and hope since the 1980s.

From an ordinary wall to the John Lennon Memorial

The wall was originally an ordinary wall, but everything changed after the assassination of John Lennon in 1980. Lennon, a member of the famous musical group The Beatles, was an icon for the pacifist movement and the fight for human rights. His death sparked a wave of mourning around the world, and in Prague it became the impetus for the creation of an unofficial memorial in his honour.

Step back in time and discover the evolution of the John Lennon Wall, an outdoor escape game where history meets artistic expression.

A wall that spoke: A thorn in the side of communism

During the communist regime in Czechoslovakia, Lennon’s wall was a place of silent protest against totalitarian rule. Young people began painting graffiti and writing messages inspired by Lennon’s lyrics and ideals of freedom and peace. This act of courage was seen as a form of political expression and was often met with repression by state security, who regularly whitewashed the wall.

Symbol of newly acquired freedom after the Velvet Revolution

After the Velvet Revolution in 1989, the wall became a symbol of newly acquired freedom and democracy. Today, the Lennon Wall is a living gallery where new drawings, messages and quotes continue to appear. Its surface is constantly changing, yet it retains its symbolic meaning. The Wall is a reminder of the struggle for freedom and equality, but also a place where people from all over the world are reminded of the importance of peace and love in today’s often turbulent world.

Legal Canvas: Graffiti Zone

The Lennon Wall is one of the few places in Prague where graffiti is legal, making it a unique means for artists and visitors to express themselves freely.

Challenge your mind and spirit at the John Lennon Wall, an outdoor escape game steeped in artistic expression and messages of hope.

The Mystery of the Church of Our Victorious Lady: The Home of the Little Jesus of Prague

The Church of Our Lady of Victory in Prague is not only an architectural gem, but also home to one of the most important spiritual relics in the Czech Republic – the Infant Jesus of Prague. This historic church, located in the picturesque Mala Strana district, is a pilgrimage site for believers from all over the world and offers visitors a unique spiritual experience.

Decipher historical riddles amidst the ornate beauty of the Church of Our Lady Victorious, an outdoor escape game steeped in faith.

Architectural gem in the Lesser Town

Built in the early Baroque style, the Church of Our Lady of Victory is an example of Prague’s rich history and artistic heritage. Its façade and interior are decorated with magnificent frescoes, gold and sculptures that represent the pinnacle of Baroque art.

Prague Jesuit: A Story of Hope and Faith

The heart of the church is undoubtedly the statue of the Little Jesus of Prague, which is surrounded by many legends and stories of miracles. This wax statue, donated to the church in the 17th century, is known for its supposed power to bring comfort, hope and answered prayers to those who approach it in faith. The statue is regularly dressed in rich robes, which are gifts from the faithful, emphasizing her importance in the hearts of people around the world.

A spiritual oasis in the heart of Prague

Our Lady of Victory Church serves not only as a place of worship, but also as a spiritual oasis for those seeking peace and comfort in their faith. The atmosphere of the church, its quiet chapel and soothing surroundings offer visitors the opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and reflect on the deeper aspects of life and spirituality.

Journey through time at the Church of Our Lady Victorious, an outdoor escape game unveiling Prague's rich religious history.

A church with an open heart

The church is known for its warm and open atmosphere. Every year it welcomes thousands of pilgrims, tourists and curious visitors who come to pay their respects to the Prague Jesuit, admire the artwork or simply find a moment of peace. The church is also the venue for many cultural and spiritual events.

Kampa: Island of art and peace

Kampa, known as the “Venice of Prague”, is a picturesque island located on the Vltava River in the Lesser Town district of Prague 1. This magical corner of Prague offers a unique combination of peaceful nature, rich history and artistic heritage, making it a popular place for city dwellers and tourists alike.

History and nature go hand in hand

Kampa has a fascinating history that goes far back into the past. The island was originally used for mills and as a place for laundries, which contributed to its unique character. Today, this historical touch can still be felt in the streets of Kampa and on its waterfront, where there are several well-preserved water mills, including the famous Velkopřevorský Mill.

The artistic heart of Kampa

Kampa is home to one of the most important art museums in Prague – the Kampa Museum. The museum offers an extensive collection of modern and contemporary art from Central and Eastern Europe, including works by leading Czech and international artists. A walk through the museum is like a journey through the art world, illuminating different styles, eras and stories.

Discover the artistic wonders of Kampa Island, where an outdoor escape game unfolds amidst modern art and natural beauty.

An oasis of peace in the middle of the city

Although Kampa is located just a short distance from the bustling centre of Prague, the island is a surprisingly peaceful retreat. The green parks, picturesque corners and views of the Vltava River offer the ideal setting for rest and relaxation. Kampa Park, with its sculptures, water features and greenery, is a popular spot for picnics, afternoon walks and moments of silence.

Architectural gems and legends

Kampa is also known for its rich architecture and legends. One of the most important buildings is the Church of St. John the Baptist in Kampa, which stands out from the city’s skyline with its white facade and Baroque elements. The island is associated with a number of legends, including stories of hawks who are said to have inhabited its mills and quays.

Discover the artistic wonders of Kampa Island, where an outdoor escape game unfolds amidst modern art and natural beauty.

Vrtba Garden: Prague’s Hidden Jewel

The Vrtbovská Garden, one of the most beautiful Baroque gardens in Prague, is hidden in the heart of the Lesser Town. This architectural and botanical treasure offers visitors not only peace and relaxation, but also breathtaking views of the city and a unique collection of plants and sculptures. Although Prague is known for its many historical monuments, the Vrtba Garden remains for many a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.

History and architecture

The garden, which is part of the Vrtba Palace, was designed in the first half of the 18th century and is a masterpiece of Baroque garden design. It is divided into several terraces connected by staircases and decorated with statues and fountains, each part of the garden representing a different scene from Baroque mythology and allegory. Visitors can not only admire the perfect symbiosis of architecture and nature, but also feel the spirit of the time when the garden was created.

Unravel the secrets of Vrtba Garden's diverse plant life and colorful flowers in an outdoor escape game bursting with natural beauty.

An escape from the hustle of the city

Despite its central location in Prague, the Vrtba Garden provides an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. It is a place where you can enjoy peace and quiet, listen to the sound of fountains and admire the colourful flowers and green trees. The garden is the perfect place to take an afternoon stroll, read a book or simply relax and recharge your batteries.

Botanical Paradise: a unique collection of plants

In addition to its historical and aesthetic significance, the Vrtba Garden is also valued for its rich botanical collection. Here, visitors can admire various species of plants and flowers that are carefully maintained to keep the garden a living image of Baroque art. Each season brings new colours and scents to the garden, making it attractive all year round.

Breathtaking views

One of the main attractions of the Vrtba Garden is its views of Prague. Thanks to its location on the slope of Petřín Hill, the garden offers a panoramic view of the city, including Prague Castle and the rooftops of the Lesser Town. These views, best from the garden’s upper terrace, provide a wonderful backdrop for photographs and unforgettable experiences.

Get lost in the geometric beauty of Vrtba Garden, an outdoor escape game filled with hidden clues and Baroque sculptures.

A garden for all occasions

The Vrtba Garden is not only a place of rest and relaxation, but also a popular venue for weddings, concerts and cultural events. Its romantic setting and historical significance attract couples from all over the world who want to spend their big day here. Concerts and exhibitions in the garden bring music and art to this magical place.


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